Letter to a healthier me

January 23, 2018

Dear Me,

I’m writing this letter to myself (and sharing it with you too reader)…. Self, I want you to remember that you had a successful PBM last June and are doing fabulous. Don’t forget your hysterectomy, this was a major stepping stone for you in the right direction but you’re not done yet! God willing the ovaries come out in a couple of years bringing completion to the preventative surgeries recommended. All that being said (and done), remember you’re not much different then the average woman who wants good health, a long life, and too look good in a pair of jeans, so create, or re-create, healthy habbits..

Remember all you have learned along this journey. Since being diagnosed with the mutated BRCA1 gene 10 or so years ago you have read lots of things and adopted some pretty good habits along the way, but let’s be honest, you’ve also fell off the good habit wagon way too often, and must have bumped your head when you fell because you’ve forgotten a lot of what you’ve learned. Make a decision every new day to help your body fight, do the good you ought to do.

Self, I want you to journal your “healthy habits” findings and share your discoveries with other women. That will help you and them. Maybe it’s just me, but often times I start something all gung-ho, I’ll do well for a spell, and then I forget why I was doing it, especially when a good-looking cookie or brownie comes along. Poof, all memories of why flax and almond butter are better simply vanish.


So I’m hoping to go back and research why I bought a big canister of quinoa a few months ago, or why there is a juicer tucked deep within my cupboard. I am going to document the benefits of eating well, why it’s good for me, and hope it will stick in my brain a little better so I can remember why I do the things I do. And reader, maybe some of the information I share might be helpful for you too…..and in turn I invite you to share with me little morsals of wisdom on the different topics I am blogging about. Are you in?

Best Regards,


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